Question 1: What is this blog all about?

This blog is all about one more and less desperate man, who likes to write about things, personal rants, cryptic codes or learnt life lessons.

These mystical droplets of man tears are published into Vanity Cards™.

Vanity Cards were first introduced to the world by famous sitcom producer Chuck Lorre.  In October 2014, Chuck announced that he would stop writing his trademark vanity cards that have been shown in TV shows like The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half men, Mike & Molly and Mom

This is how the author got an idea to start writing his own Vanity Cards™. 

Chuck, if you're reading this, thanks for all the laughs you have served us & please don't sue me. 
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that one man can give another without holding hands.

Ps. You can also find Vanity Card Express in Facebook!

Question 2: How often do you publish new Vanity Cards?

To be honest, I do not really know. 

I'm just a soul vessel destined to wander off the grid once in a while. I eat, drink, sleep and do all kinds of repetitive stuff in my actual work. This blog doesn't make me a nickel at the moment and I don't like being homeless.

I will try to live down a promise of 2-3 vanity cards per month.. at least. 

Question 3: Can I support you by donating?

Donating is not supported at the moment. Finnish law regulations at the moment are not friendly about donating. After the author has researched the situation enough, donate-button will be released on the blog. However if you want to support in other ways, gift certificates and such are always welcome!

Question 4: I want to ask something else!

Tough luck kiddo. Kidding. Contact me @Twitter and I'll try to answer as soon as possible.


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Meet The Author

25, Wild and free.

Damn, this sounds just like another dating service profile.

The author was given another life after living the usual household hell for a couple of decades.

Nowadays the writer has devoted his time to think about the big scary relationships. Personal economy.
Women and the space time continuum.
There must be a loophole?

Currently living in the outskirts of Helsinki, Finland.
The homeland of saunas, koskenkorva and winters so cold, they might be written by George R.R Martin.

Enjoy the carnival! Pick a card..
After is all about the vanity.

- George