Vanity Card #8 - The Truth Day.

There once lived a man named Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch scholar who was accustomed to write teachings in Latin. You might have heard the expression "In Vino Veritas" which means "In wine there is truth". You also might have heard about ESN, Erasmus Student Network
Did I just blow your mind? 

Spoiler, students like to party.

Roman historian Tacitus described how the northern tribes wanted to drink while holding meetings and councils. Why? Because they believed nobody could lie effectively when drunk. I can't speak myself for our Finnish ancestors but there must be truth in this. 
We Finns love to drink. While drinking we confess our love, drunk text and wake up next to unfamiliar polar bears. 

Why we human beings have so much trouble speaking the truth? 
It's against The Common Courtesy? I'm throwing a challenge. 
I declare the 13th of December my own truth day. 

If you seek the truth and only the truth from me, I will serve. 
Here's the catch - one question per person. You can contact me through Twitter, Facebook or the Contact form. Good luck!


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Meet The Author

25, Wild and free.

Damn, this sounds just like another dating service profile.

The author was given another life after living the usual household hell for a couple of decades.

Nowadays the writer has devoted his time to think about the big scary relationships. Personal economy.
Women and the space time continuum.
There must be a loophole?

Currently living in the outskirts of Helsinki, Finland.
The homeland of saunas, koskenkorva and winters so cold, they might be written by George R.R Martin.

Enjoy the carnival! Pick a card..
After is all about the vanity.

- George